When I tried to get my first novel, My Time In Hell, published it was met with little or no interest. It’s with this in mind I decided to try a drastically different approach with my second. While the found footage genre of film is certainly nothing new; it has found a bit of resurgence in Hollywood recently. When done correctly, this storytelling approach can do wonders to hook the viewer in and give a unique experience. To my knowledge, this has never been done in literature. Until now.
The set comes packaged within an evidence bag. The first piece you’ll find within it is I’ve no reason to dream…, which comes in the form of a handwritten journal. It starts a little before my first novel ends to help bridge the gap between the two. After struggling for years to attain the level of security most would sell their soul for, the writer finds himself complacent and at a crossroads. On one side is the dream he’s been chasing for years and on the other lays the love he’s yearned for just as long. He sacrifices everything only to find both to be fool’s errands. It then shifts to dealing with heartbreak and loss; prophetic dreams and visions detailing the end of the world; encounters with demons and other supernatural entities; as well as finding a way through the darkness after the light which was guiding the way is extinguished. As the reader makes their way closer to the climax illustrations and haphazardly arranged text show the writer’s rapid descent into madness, complete with a bitching soundtrack. The twist?
Every single word within its pages is 100% true.
It’s also an enigma and the reader is placed in the role of detective in order to figure out exactly what is happening, but they’re going to need a little help. The second piece in the bag is the cipher, which comes in the form of a flash drive with nearly 3 gigs of material. On it you’ll find almost everything I’ve ever created in my nearly ten years of writing. The reader will need to take the cryptic words and passages from the journal and find them within the drive in order to piece the puzzle together. Over half of the material you’ll find in all of this has never been seen before and some of it is hidden throughout the drive.
So, what’s the significance of this? It’s an epic story told through every medium available. You’ll need to read every word, listen to every MP3, view every video and look at every image before the picture even starts to take shape. Mine is the first book to not only embrace the technologies which have made the printed word obsolete, but also makes them necessary to get the entire experience. It’s also designed to fit into your pocket so you can take it anywhere you go. Something like this would be perfect for book clubs, as you could spend years exploring it and still find something new. Hell, I wrote the damn thing and I’m finding things even I’d never noticed before.The possibilities for this are endless and I’ve already got marketing schemes and plans to present it to the world in ways they’ve never seen before.
So, detective, are you up to the case?
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