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Saturday, April 7, 2012

An open letter to the biggest piece of shit I've yet to have the displeasure of meeting.


Hey guy, how's it going?  I know quite a bit about you, which puts you at an unfair advantage.  Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Davlin and I've known your wife longer than you have.  Now, granted, most of that time was spent apart and she was with you, but I know her better than you could ever hope to.  Ever since we reconnected back in the beginning of February there hasn't been a day without us speaking in one form or another.  All those times you made her cry, I was the one putting a smile on her face.  Every time you drove her to hurt herself, I was the one who quelled the tears and brought her back from the edge.  Whenever you would tear her down with your abuse, I'm the one who was building her back up.  When you refused to pay attention to your son, I was the one talking to him on the phone and playing games with him.  I am the man who will give them both what they deserve, which is more than you've ever thought about doing.

That's who the fuck I am.

A few nights ago you sent me three text messages and I held back from responding to them at her request.  Here's what you sent, along with my responses to each.

What the hell are you doing with my wife?

When you sent me that message I was sitting in the passenger seat of her car, holding her.  She was so far gone by the time she got to my place because of the horrible things you said to her.  I had her in my arms and I dried her tears, while telling her how beautiful and amazing she is in order for her to calm down.  In short, I was being compassionate, asshole.  You should really try it sometime.

Do you really not have any respect for people?

I have respect for many people, but I feel that's something which should be earned.  When it comes to an emotionally distant, physically and emotionally abusive piece of shit who does nothing but make the woman I love cry?  Sorry, but no.  I don't have any respect for you.

You got the balls to try and steal someone else's wife, but too scared to reply back?
 In the spirit of staying honest, I was terrified to reply back.  This wasn't because I was scared to confront you, believe me, there's nothing I want more.  I was afraid you were going to hurt her again because you lost your temper.  This is the difference between you and me, I actually put other people first.  She asked me not to respond, so I kept my cool because her safety is more important than my ego.  Also, for the record, my balls are huge and I haven't tried anything.  Motherfucker, I succeeded.

Now, we're probably reaching the point of no return and a physical conflict is quickly becoming unavoidable.  A few things you should probably consider.

  1. I've never had a physical altercation in my adult life.
  2. I weigh 132 lbs.
  3. I lack the combat experience you've gained from beating up women so you do have that in your favor.
Despite those three points against me, I'm not scared of you in the slightest.  Regardless of the outcome of this hypothetical bout, it doesn't change the fact that I can give your wife and son everything you've never been able to.  Enjoy the scavenger hunt you have planned for her tomorrow.  I'm sure walking her through the four years of Hell you've put her through won't blow up in your face at all.  It's a great idea, really.  In fact I look forward to hearing all about it afterward.  It's been a rough couple of days, I could use a hearty laugh.  And on the bright side, once she comes to me and is happier than she ever was on her best day with you, you'll have all the time in the world to play your precious video games.

A far better man than you'll ever be,

Achievement unlocked!
Steal the love of your life from an abusive and selfish piece of shit 

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