My life often tends to be story like in nature. When I look back I can see a rich tapestry woven of parables, symmetries, plot lines which had to have been scripted well beforehand as well as a loose thread or two. I used to think I saw things this way because I was a writer, but now I'm starting to wonder if I became one in order to make sense of it all. I'd once written about the fallacies regarding fate and soul mates and even went on to mock those who believed in such nonsense.
I now realize I couldn't have been more wrong.
For years I'd viewed events of my life through such a narrow lens that only the immediate present was visible. I ran from my past while ignoring the lessons they have always tried to impart and the future was something I never imagined myself even living long enough to see. Recent events, however, have swapped needle thin lens out for a panoramic view and I'm finally able to take in the big picture. It's nothing short of staggering.
The first act has already been released (out now for Kindle and Nook!) and in a month's time I've sold a whopping six copies. Don't get me wrong, there's a very big part of me which jumps for joy for each and every one of them, but I've got big plans for my professional and personal life and, quite frankly, this isn't even fucking close to cutting it. Every attempt I've made to get my name out there has been left with a response that's left me somewhat crestfallen. Though I do want to truly thank each and every one of you who have bought my first and/or helped me spread the word; it's just nowhere near enough.
The second is still waiting on a publisher or financial backer brave enough to take the risk of releasing the most interactive and revolutionary story ever told. I'm cautious to talk about it because I really don't want to spoil the surprise. Trust me, it's best if you discover its secrets the way I've originally intended. This brings me to something of an impasse regarding the third.
For you see, it's still being written and sharing any of it with you right now would not only steal a little of Act II's magic, but also annihilate all of the promotional plans I have regarding its release. It's with this in mind that I have decided to take a step back from publicly posting every single thing the instant I finish. I've started another, secret blog to be shared with a select few in order to have all of my newer posts read and public releases will be kept to a bare minimum until I finally reach the Holy Grail of successful publication. I've given myself freely to everyone for almost three and a half years now and I just can't do it this way anymore. If you've been following my work for any span of time I promise you've yet to see the best of what I can do and you're not going to until I'm finally able to make a career out of my passion, my art.
That first taste is always free, my friends. Sooner or later you've gotta pay.
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