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Saturday, April 14, 2012

An unfinished post from Scattered Thoughts # 3

I decided to go for a walk today because the storm left me stuck inside of my apartment for the better part of three days. If I'm going out for a stroll I usually prefer any month that isn't winter, but today the harsh winds reinvigorated my senses. And of course, I slipped deep into thought.

It's so weird how things play out sometimes. I had originally planned on reflecting on all of the events that had to happen to bring me here, but instead, just like always, my ruminations drifted to you and then there they stayed.

The first time I'd heard mention of you was four years ago, when Mike told me they found my female replacement at the store in SC. He then went on to tell me you and I were perfect for each other. I trusted his judgment and then immediately sought you out on Myspace.

As cliche as it sounds, the breath was stolen from my lungs the instant I saw your picture. Physically, you were everything I could have wanted in a member of the opposite sex. I read up on your interests and blogs only to find out you were also everything I wanted in another human being.

I don't remember how much time had passed but eventually you messaged me. In fact, a lot of our earlier conversations have been lost to time but I do remember what I thought during our first phone call. "This could be it." Then you mentioned your boyfriend and I threw that shit right out the window.

Over the years our lives took us in different directions. You found lovers and I had a few as well. Though, and this is the truth, no matter who I was with I always wished I was the one lucky enough to be laying by your side.

About a year ago you were in the middle of a long, committed relationship and I had just gotten a girlfriend. We lost contact until her and I broke up, but I still thought about you constantly. Even though you and I went for 6 months without any real contact, when we did reconnect it was like no time had passed at all.

This was about the time I started building my website and we grew closer than ever. You were the first person I even showed pictures of it to. I knew you'd understand what I was doing because we've both always understood each other. Not just some superficial level either, I'm talking about the core person we don't let other people see.

The feelings I'd been building for you over the last few years exploded and, again I know I'm being cliche, I've never experienced anything like it before. This time, I didn't want to sabotage or destroy it. Instead, I wanted to appreciate it on whatever level I could have.

I was terrified that day when I told you that day how I felt. It wasn't because I thought you'd reject me, I was already expecting that to be the outcome. I was scared because I didn't want to ruin our friendship or lose you as a result. The only reason I even told you was because I wanted to thank you for giving me that feeling. When you told me to let them go, I was willing to do it just so I could still be in your life.

During the text conversation that night I could feel something in you shift. You were softer with me than you'd ever been before. While I went to bed that night with a new found hope, I tried my best not to let it get too big.

That is until you told me you felt the same way and we never looked back. This month spent with you over text messages has satisfied me more than any of my previous relationships combined. We are able to be completely honest with each other without the repercussions of judgment or shunning.

There are a lot of things about both of our pasts that break my heart knowing we had to experience. I now think we had to go through each and every one of them in order to fit together as perfectly as we do. No matter what's happened over the last 4+ years we've always found a way back to each other. We just weren't ready for it until now.

You're my best friend and confidant. I love you more than I ever thought possible, Ana, and we've still yet to meet face to face. I can promise you this; I will spend every single day loving and appreciating you for the smart, witty, beautiful, geeky, wounded, insightful, eccentric and inspiring person that you are once we finally do.

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